Monday, July 24, 2006


A brief update, as my long one ran far too long and I don't have the energy or mental acuity to finish it right now.

Long story short, after the hike Saturday, I spent yesterday (Sunday) on my butt. I was exhausted and sore and my calves hurt. Finally Sarah and I headed out to Seiyu, where I got some MacDonald's for lunch, and then to the PC Depot where I picked up a microphone for my computer. (FYI, for any of you who have Skype, I'm now on it as well. SN is blessedSophia)

Something didn't sit right, though, and I was sick to my stomach the rest of the afternoon. I finally got some brief respite in a few hours' nap, and then woke up again even more miserable than before. I didn't have the energy to go out for dinner, so I tried to force down a box of noodles, which I could only eat half of. I laid down and between being sick and tossing and turning, by 3 a.m. my back was acting up (I have a pinched sciatic nerve) and I gave up. I e-mailed Declan asking him to tell my prof I'd be out for the day and eventually took a muscle relaxant to get the spasms in my back to stop.

They did, and I slept for 11 hours. I finally woke up at 2 this afternoon, about an hour ago, and my legs are tingly and don't really move well. The relaxant still hasn't worn off. I'm still loopy and a bit nauseous, though the nausea now is probably more caused by the dizziness. I'm actually off to bed right now to sleep the rest of it off.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you're doing better now. You're going to amazing places, seeing amazing sights, getting exercise despite the horrible heat, and making me thoroughly jealous. You're definitely not wasting a moment in Japan. :) And in two days you get to go see metronome! See this expression? Even more jealousy!

8:00 AM  

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